Fannie Mae's Portfolio Rises 2% YTD

By: Jann Swanson

Fannie Mae said on Wednesday that its Book of Business increased at a compounded annual rate of 1.3 percent in April to a value of $3.164 trillion. The Book has increased by 1.9 percent year-to-date in 2017 and gained 1.4 percent for all of 2016.

The company's mortgage portfolio had a balance of $278.46 billion at the end of April.  This was composed of $201.48 billion in mortgage loans, $67.55 billion in securitizations, $2.7 billion in non-Fannie Mae mortgage securities which were agency and $6.52 billion non-agency.

Purchases into the Gross Mortgage Portfolio during the month amounted to $34.87 billion for a total of $99.34 billion for the year through April.  Sales during the month were $22.01 billion and liquidations $3.26 billion for year-to-date numbers of $78.17 billion and $15.06 billion respectively.  Fannie Mae said there was a temporary increase in this portfolio of 52.5 percent (annualized) in April but there should be a significant decrease in May.

The company issued $42.46 billion in guaranteed securities and mortgage loans during the month bringing the year's total so far to $187.50 billion.  Issuances in all of 2016 were a total $637.84 billion. There were liquidations totaling $35.78 billion for an ending balance of $2.94 trillion, a decline of 14.6 percent on an annualized basis.

The overall delinquency rate in Fannie Mae's conventional single family portfolio was 1.07 percent, down 5 basis points from March.  The multi-family portfolio delinquency rate dipped 1 basis point to 0.04 percent.  The company completed 6,740 loan modifications during the month.