MBS ALERT: Selling Off
Welp that didn't take long to turn around. Seeing some selling now. Nervous Nelly/Aggressive lenders may reprice for the worse..
Fn 4.0-> -0-01 to 100-12
Fn 4.5-> -0-01 to 101-17 Gn 4.5-> -0-03 to 101-18
Fn 5.0-> -0-00 to 102-10 Gn 5.0-> -0-03 to 102-15
Fn 5.5-> -0-00 to 102-25 Gn 5.5-> -0-01 to 102-27
Fn 6.0-> +0-00 to 103-12 Gn 6.0-> -0-05 to 103-04