MBS Update: Down in Coupon

MBS Update: Down in Coupon

While I write here is a price update...after buying "up in coupon" yesterday"the Fed is looking farther down the stack today...

Fn 4.0-> +0-04  to 100-30          Gn 4.0-> +0-07+ at 101-06

Fn 4.5-> +0-01 to 102-08           Gn 4.5-> +0-03 to 102-31+

Fn 5.0-> -0-01 to 103-00            Gn 5.0-> -0-00+ to 103-20+

Fn 5.5-> -0-00+ to 103-14          Gn 5.5-> -0-04 to 103-29

Fn 6.0-> +0-00+ to 104-15         Gn 6.0-> -0-01 to 103-29