MBS RECAP: Calm, Resilient Day Maintains Calm, Resilient Week (and month)

By: Matthew Graham

In the shadow of October 15th--by some measures, the most volatile day in the history of Treasury trading--everything that's followed has been exceedingly tame by comparison.  The correction leading back toward slightly higher rates was mechanical and non-threatening.  And now November is slipping away with mortgage rates having held 4.0% the entire time and 10yr yields staying in the 2.3's. 

Today's session never had much of a chance to break the bigger-picture mold.  To end the week on anything other than a sideways note, we would have needed to see such a big rally or sell-off that it wouldn't have made any sense in the current context.

Overnight headlines from Draghi helped a bit and China's rate cut hurt a bit, but bonds ground to stronger levels very slowly.  It's tempting to say that suggests a positive theme, but we ended up seeing just as much resistance to gains at 2.31% (10yr yields) as we saw support for losses at 2.36%.  That's been the entire range this week since 9am Monday.

MBS Pricing Snapshot
Pricing shown below is delayed, please note the timestamp at the bottom. Real time pricing is available via MBS Live.
FNMA 3.0
100-10 : +0-07
FNMA 3.5
103-21 : +0-05
FNMA 4.0
106-15 : +0-04
2 YR
0.5050 : -0.0040
10 YR
2.3120 : -0.0260
30 YR
3.0190 : -0.0350
Pricing as of 11/21/14 5:51PMEST

Today's Reprice Alerts and Updates
A recap of Alerts and Updates provided to MBS Live subscribers.
9:57AM  :  Bond Markets Highly Determined to Remain Flat

MBS Live Chat Highlights
A recap of featured comments from the Live Discussion on the MBS Live Dashboard.
Charles Beasley  :  "You will need to manually attached construction loan in Du for you to get an approved Eldgible "
Charles Beasley  :  "R/T as long as it is less then 2k should not be a problem"
Jason Anker  :  "r&t for me, taking out a const loan shouldnt be cash out unless they walk with cash, you can get a payoff in writing etc"
Ted Rood  :  "not in my experience, CR"
Caroline Roy  :  "questions on permanent financing after a construction loan: treated as R/T or C/O? they've owned the lot for about a year and the construction term was 7 months. Still have about $2k in landscaping that will need to be escrowed due to weather. Is that going to be an issue?"
Andrew Haynes  :  "As long as we don't have another run up to 3% again in december i'll be happy! :)"
Andrew Haynes  :  "Nice "day ahead" this morning MG!"