MBS RECAP: Worst Day of Losses Since Black Wednesday

By: Matthew Graham
MBS Live: MBS Afternoon Market Summary

An adapted excerpt from tonight's ratewatch post:  

If we had been fighting a battle for low rates, morale was high heading into the end of April.  We were storming the castle--rushing headlong through the front gates, feeling optimistic about our chances of victory, or at least willing to put up a good fight.  Then "May 3rd" would be like a sudden realization that the occupants of the castle were invincible robots from the future.  That's scary enough in itself, but now imagine the robots had pet robot dragons (also invincible) and that those dragons started spitting out some pretty gnarly fireballs in our general direction.  Whatever era of warfare this fantastical metaphor might belong to, the implication is the same: RUN! 

Bond markets--especially MBS--ran hard and fast today and didn't stop to look back until reaching the safety of their ships.  When we rethink our strategy tonight (assuming the dragons don't fly or swim and aren't chasing us), we may decide that the fight isn't as unwinnable as it first appeared (or one of us might invent a fireball-proof suit right quick), but for now, we're on the retreat until further notice.  And though we live to fight another day, it was a devastating loss--a horrible battle that goes no small way toward suggesting a turning point in the war is being confirmed.

MBS Pricing Snapshot
Pricing shown below is delayed, please note the timestamp at the bottom. Real time pricing is available via MBS Live.
FNMA 3.0
100-08 : -1-09
FNMA 3.5
103-15 : -1-01
FNMA 4.0
105-14 : -0-19
FNMA 4.5
106-28 : -0-09
GNMA 3.0
101-12 : -1-16
GNMA 3.5
104-29 : -1-15
GNMA 4.0
106-17 : -0-20
GNMA 4.5
107-04 : -0-11
99-28 : -1-09
103-08 : -1-00
105-06 : -0-18
106-02 : -0-07
Pricing as of 4:04 PM EST
Afternoon Reprice Alerts and Updates
Below is a recap of instant Reprice Alerts and updates issued via email and text alert to MBS Live subscribers this afternoon.

3:20PM  :  Fannie Mae Selling Guide Updates
The Selling Guide has been updated to include changes to the following:
  • Miscellaneous Income and Documentation Requirements
  • Single Entity Ownership in a Project
  • Texas Section 50(a)(6) Mortgages – Adding 5-Year Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
  • Calculation of Real Estate Taxes for Housing Expense
  • Measurement of Various Waiting Periods
  • Miscellaneous Selling Guide Updates
Each of the updates is described below. The affected topics (and specific paragraphs) are noted for each policy change. Lenders should review each topic to gain a full understanding of the policy changes. The updated topics are dated May 28, 2013.
3:18PM  :  ALERT ISSUED: Another Technical Break Weaker; Reprice Risk Continues
MBS have been watching Treasuries flirt with the idea of breaking 2.137 with a good amount of composure, but have begun to break down now that the deed is done. 10's are up to 2.15 already and Fannie 3.0s and 3.5s are into new lows on the day. Reprice risk remains on the table and could pick up significantly in the next few minutes if we fall further.
1:19PM  :  ALERT ISSUED: 10's and MBS Revisit Weakest Levels, Reprice Risk Remains
10yr Treasuries fought a very important battle this morning, and lost. The battle was to get back below the mid 2.10's. The move was first rejected just after 11am on the first bounce lower and then on several successive occasions starting in the noon hour. We may even be seeing what would be the first meaningful impact from a 2yr Note auction in several years as the most recent bp of weakness in 10's followed the ugly auction.

We can't truly know if the auction is to blame, but to whatever extent it is, it's a very serious statement about the state of the yield curve (i.e. no one has cared about the short end, seeing it as largely "nailed in the ground" by the Fed's "exceptionally low Fed Funds rate" expectations and verbiage. If markets are starting to "care" again, it's yet another symptom confirming the diagnosis of a long-term rising rate environment.

Causality musings aside, we're back on the ropes with Fannie 3.0s down over a point again at 100-19 this time. Fannie 3.5's (because they're relevant now) are down 27 ticks to 103-24. 10's are up 11.85bps on the day at 2.1277, not breaking their highs, but testing that range. Negative reprice risk is omnipresent, but of course, balance the state of MBS markets against how utterly destroyed your rate sheets may be. If they're awful enough, this incremental weakness is just volatility waiting to be resolved.
12:50PM  :  An 8 Tick Bounce On Any Other Day...
If MBS rallies had a smell to them, an 8 tick improvement would generally smell pretty sweet (quarter of a point tends to result in positive reprices). But in today's case, it merely serves to mitigate the smell of death and destruction that still hangs heavy in the air after losing more than a point earlier this morning.

10yr Yr yields briefly touched 2.137 and have coasted gently lower since then. Fannie 3.0s saw buyers throw out tons of low ball bids at 100-17 before finally getting their price around 11am, but that was the turning point for now. Fannie 3.0s moved up 11 ticks before settling in to an 8-11 tick zone of improvement from the lows.

Disturbingly, both Treasuries and MBS look to have encountered some resistance to further improvements, having put in their best post-sell-off levels about 15 minutes ago. On any other day, the improvements would most likely have a few lenders considering a positive reprice. While that's not out of the question for one, maybe two lenders, others would require more TIME or more stably held gains.

Bottom line, the bounce back is refreshing, and it's tempting to hope that it holds, but we wouldn't count on it holding just yet.
Live Chat Featured Comments
A recap of the featured comments from the MBS Live Dashboard's Live Chat feature, utilized by hundreds of industry professionals each day.

Curt Sandfort  :  "REPRICE: 3:53 PM - Stearns Lending Worse"
Christopher Stevens  :  "REPRICE: 3:49 PM - USBank Worse"
Nate Miller  :  "REPRICE: 3:41 PM - Caliber Funding Worse"
Tom Schwab  :  "REPRICE: 3:39 PM - Flagstar Worse"
Tom Schwab  :  "REPRICE: 3:39 PM - AMC Worse"
Scott Valins  :  "REPRICE: 3:36 PM - Provident Funding Worse"
BRANDON KESKITALO  :  "REPRICE: 3:34 PM - 360 Mortgage Worse"
Jeff Statz  :  "New https://www.fanniemae.com/content/announcement/sel1304.pdf"
Beau Hodson  :  "feel like giving a shout out to the chat community on here, I am a lone wolf, independent broker and I dont have an office, or a boss, just 1 assistant, and this last week especially it is nice to feel a part of this community and take in everyone opinions"
Matthew Graham  :  "I took it dovishly, but I also heard Bernanke himself say that the massive guaranteed cashflows coming directly into bond markets could be fuddled with as soon as next meeting. "
Victor Burek  :  "so why was it taken so hawkish"
Andrew Horowitz  :  "i really do not think the reaction in bonds wsa his intention Beau"
Beau Hodson  :  "looks to me like bernanke may have done a two step last week on purpose, maybe concern about house prices moving up too fast with these rates"
Matthew Graham  :  "(un)Fun fact: this is now the worst month for production MBS that I have on record back to mid 2008. It's twice as bad as QE3 September was good. It's just a bit worst than December 2010 now, and just a bit worse than October 2008 (but close). Maybe those stats would have some gravity that assists with the unhappy task of explaining the recent changes to clients. "
Matthew Graham  :  "yep, see the chart in the 'week ahead' post RL. Had some suggested zones: http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/mortgage_rates/blog/310254.aspx"
Raul Lopez  :  "3.5 coupon must be taking over by now"
Andrew Horowitz  :  "doesn't look like many buyers out there JH"
Justin Harward  :  "Mg how is the mbs buying volume?"
Matthew Graham  :  "the reference period for that bubble was 10yr yields moving from 5.2 to 7.9%"
Justin Harward  :  "Is this the bond bubble bursting pundits have been talking about?"
Andrew Horowitz  :  "Sure it does TM, Bonds always trade well ahead of the market"
Tim McNerney  :  "improvment yes but just doesn't equate the crushing moves in the bond market...UE is still high, gas prices high, tons of bad issues, however the stock market seems to be masking everything "
Matt Hodges  :  "AH -increasing interest rates are inevitable, i simply think it's the average LO caught short, that's all"
Andrew Horowitz  :  "I just don't swee where you all are saying the economy is not improvig, I am not trying to start an argument and I know a lot of you really want to hear that the economy is still in the toilet, ITS NOT, the US economy has been slowly improving for quite a while now, it is not at full recovery mode...yet but the economy is a lot better than it was even this time last year. Hoping for rates to improve because pipelines are skunked is not the answer"
Matthew Graham  :  "mid-March 2012 was close if you count gaps from the previous close, but as far as days where the actual losses occur after the first tick, Oct 2011, Feb 2011 are close and only December 14th and 15th of 2010 are worse JD."
Joe Daquino  :  "When was the last time a single coupon lost over 90bps twice in a week??"
Jeff Anderson  :  "I'd like a do over on 2.10 please."
Andrew Horowitz  :  "rejected 2.10 which is very much disconcerting"
Matthew Graham  :  "down we go"
Jason Sheaffer  :  "interesting perspective, we just dropped an 8th in am matter of minutes. on a normal day, we'd actually care about this. "

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