AG Biden Says $25B Settlement Not the End, Securitization Next

By: Jann Swanson
AG Biden Says $25B Settlement Not the End, Securitization Next

Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden said recently that the states' attorneys general need to make it clear that the recent $25 billion settlement with five major banks is the beginning not the end of their enforcement actions.   Biden, speaking on MSNBC's Morning Joe said the savings and loan crisis cost the economy $168 billion and 1,000 people went to jail.  "This crisis, which was man made," he said, "cost the economy trillions and I can't really find anyone who has been held accountable."

Show co-host Willie Geist asked Biden who he was focusing on, who did he think should be in jail?  Biden said one area he, New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and others are looking at is the securitization aspect, "whether or not there were false securities, mortgage-backed securities, sold to investors.  That affects borrowers as well."

He noted that Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster recently indicted DOCX and its CEO Lorraine Brown.  This is relevant, Biden said, because this woman has become famous, on 60 Minutes and so forth, because she signed thousands upon thousands of foreclosure affidavits.  "Chris Costner indicted her for forgery.  That's the kinds of thing we need to begin to do."  He said that investigations need to go beyond robo-signing and that people must be held accountable.  "People are angry," he said.  "Republicans, Democrats, Tea Partiers and 99 Percenters are all angry that no one has been held accountable for something they know is obviously fraught.  And that's my job as AG."