MBS RECAP: Losses Recovered. Reprices Reported

Open MBSonMND Dashboard
FNMA 3.5
94-19 : +0-04
FNMA 4.0
98-22 : +0-04
FNMA 4.5
101-31+ :+0-03
FNMA 5.0
104-24 : +0-02
GNMA 3.5
95-09 : +0-01
GNMA 4.0
100-04 : +0-04
GNMA 4.5
103-08 : +0-02
GNMA 5.0
106-05 : +0-01
94-11 : +0-02
98-15 : +0-02
101-28 : +0-03
104-20 : +0-01
Pricing as of 4:03 PM EST
Afternoon Market Updates
A recap of MBS Market Updates provided by MND Analysts and streamed live to the MBSonMND Dashboard .
4:00PM  :  MBS End Session Near Best Levels. Fast$ Drives Price Action
Benchmark interest rates moved higher in the overnight trading session as stocks rallied around the world. That didn't last long though. Bonds reversed course following a rush of data and news at 10am. Although the directional move was initially met with resistance, forced buying in the form of short covering in the futures market helped seal the deal on a late day recovery interest rate rally which sent production MBS coupons into the close near their best levels of the session. Reprices for the better were reported but loan pricing was basically flat when rate sheets were re-issued. MBS trading volume was below average as was trading volume in cash Treasuries, but high volume was observed in the interest rate futures market. This indicates day traders played a significant role in today's price action.
3:08PM  :  Stocks Ongoing Plummet Benefits MBS and Treasuries
If bonds were to improve further from last check, it would be up to further stock losses indicating an accelerating flight-to-safety. That's what we're getting at the moment with the S&P now down to 1308, almost 20 pts on the day. FNCL 4.5's are at their highs of the day at 101-29 and reprices for the better have been rolling in. 10yr notes, met their next technical stopping point in the 3.41's, in line with the bulk of yesterday's low range.
2:04PM  :  ALERT: Bonds Continue To Rally As Stocks Continue To Slide
NOTE: The 101-28 reprice target has been reached and reprices for the better are likely from more than just the normally "early crowd." It looks like we're meeting a bit of resistance at current levels, but if stocks fall further, we could see treasury yields move down to yesterday's technical floor. This would likely result in a few extra ticks for MBS gains.
1:22PM  :  RUMOR: Regulators Reach Deal on QRM Parameters
CNBC reports that government sources say federal regulators have a deal on the parameters of a "qualified residential mortgage." Chief among them is that the loan was originated with a down payment of 20%. This is part of the Dodd-Frank bill that would require banks to hold 5% of non-qualified mortgages on their books when selling and securitizing loans (see link on Risk Retention below). Qualified residential mortgages would be exempt from this requirement. In addition, 10% of the down payment must be the borrowers own money. No information yet on whether or not QRM rules will apply to fannie or freddie.
12:54PM  :  As Stocks Rise From Lows, Bonds May Face Pressure
With a fairly connected stock lever so far today, bonds might face an increased challenge as stocks show signs of bottoming out for the day. The S&P fell to 1314 but has since rebounded to 1317.12, surpassing the high mark it experienced just after the noon hour at 1317.09. Thos prices are so close that there may be little technical significance, but the point is that if stocks hold current levels or manage to rebound higher, the stock lever has been connected enough today that we'd be looking at some tough resistance in the high 3.43's. FNCL 4.5's have a nice intraday pivot point to play with at 101-22. If they break much lower than that, it could foreshadow a reprice for the worse. And if we're able to reach 101-28, that's the central target for reprices for the better.
12:34PM  :  New MBS Commentary Post
11:58AM  :  Explicit GSE Guarantee Option Has Merit: Geithner
11:57AM  :  S&P Prints New Low. Bonds Benefit. MBS Reprice Target
The S&P just printed a new intraday low and benchmark interest rates are benefiting from it. Unfortunately we have yet to hear a convincing enough argument that would warrant a short-term move through strong 10-yr TSY note resistance at 3.42%. The FNCL 4.5 is still in negative price change territory but is just below the intraday high price of 101-25. If the FNCL 4.5 touches 101-28 lenders will be more willing to reprice for the better.
11:33AM  :  Bond Investors Should Take End of QEII in Stride: Bernanke
11:32AM  :  Underwriting Standards to Remain Tight Going Forward: Bernanke
11:20AM  :  Bernanke Concerned About Political Axe Grinding
When answering questions from Sen.David Vitter, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke expressed a high level of concern over politicians using the debt ceiling debate as a vehicle to address the broader budget deficit. Bernanke is clearly worried about politicians who are looking to grind a rhetorical axe about our commitment to reducing the budget deficit. Bernanke says this strategy would have negative consequences on U.S. interest rates. We've discussed the topic of bond vigilantes in the past and view the debt ceiling debate as a potential catalyst for higher benchmark interest rates. Read More...
11:19AM  :  New MBS Commentary Post
11:07AM  :  Geithner: Housing Reform to Push Loan Costs Higher
RTRS-US REP BARNEY FRANK SAYS URGENCY FOR FANNIE, FREDDIE CHANGES SEEMS TO HAVE EBBED A BIT. RTRS-U.S. TREASURY'S GEITHNER SAYS TAXPAYER LOSSES FROM FANNIE, FREDDIE, WILL ONLY BE FROM LOANS MADE BEFORE CONSERVATORSHIP. RTRS-U.S. TREASURY'S GEITHNER SAYS UNDER ANY GSE REFORM OPTION THE COST OF A MORTGAGE WILL BE HIGHER RTRS-GEITHNER SAYS COST OF MORTGAGES TO BE "MODESTLY HIGHER" UNDER FANNIE, FREDDIE REFORMS. RTRS-GEITHNER SAYS COST OF MORTGAGES TO BE HIGHER UNDER FIRST OPTION THAN SECOND, THIRD OPTIONS.... WASHINGTON, March 1 (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Tuesday that future mortgage costs likely will be "modestly higher" after reforms are completed to the national housing finance system. Testifying before the House Financial Services Committee, Geithner said it will take some years to complete an overhaul of the system and to wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but said it was important for lawmakers to begin the effort. Geithner said housing markets were "still in a very difficult state" and cautioned that the administration and lawmakers must be careful not to jeopardize a broader economic recovery while dealing with housing finance reform. (Reporting by Glenn Somerville, Editing by W Simon )

Featured Market Discussion
A recap of the featured comments from the Live Discussion on the MBSonMND Dashboard .
Adam Quinones  :  "8:00 - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas Hoenig speaks before the Council on Foreign Relations. Q&A TBA. 10:00 - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivers semiannual monetary policy testimony before the House Financial Services Committee. 2:15 - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart participates in a question-and-answer session on the economy and monetary policy with Allan Maurer, editor of Tech Journal South, before the Southeast Venture Conference."
Adam Quinones  :  "Challenger, ADP, Beige Book, Fed Speak "
Aaron Meyer  :  "what economic data reports tomorrow?"
Bernie  :  "BBT and PHH jump on the reprice train!"
Brett Boyke  :  "BBT and another Chase notice"
Jason York  :  "man, Wells is holding firm on no reprice yet"
Michael Tadros  :  "News Alert! 03/1/2011 2nd Repost 0.125% better to all products Total adjustment for the day: 0.25% better to all products"
John Rodgers  :  "U.S. Sending Marines, 2 Amphibious Ships to Help With Libya Evacuation"
Matthew Graham  :  "already 1.3 mil contracts in 10yr futures"
Matthew Graham  :  "quite strong"
Jeff Anderson  :  "How is volume today? I don't think I saw that mentioned so far today on the blog."
Victor Burek  :  "when is the last time we hit 102?"
Adam Quinones  :  "Twitter: AQ_MND.... Definitely seeing short covering in 10-year futures contract. Forced buying not bullish on its own but is still an encouraging sign. "
Matt Hodges  :  "bofa out, wf out - what gives"
Jason York  :  "wells no longer doing revers mortgages, not that it matters to me, but just FYI"
Jill Statz  :  "ST price improvement"
Brett Boyke  :  "Chase reprice"
Mike Drews  :  "GMAC +.22"
Victor Burek  :  "flagstar better"
Lisa Alley  :  "PF .125 better"
Bernie  :  "GMAC reprice"
Terry Colabrese  :  "Ira, is that the 2nd one for the day with FAMC"
Ira Selwin  :  "FAMC priceimprovement"
Adam Quinones  :  "101-28 target hit. Reprices coming in..."
Justin Bayle  :  "sierra pacific better"
Bernie  :  "BOA reprice .....23 bps better"
Mike Drews  :  "hmmm..didn't think we'd see 3.42 this morning when we were sitting at 3.48"
Adam Quinones  :  "it certainly adds a barrier to entry though"
Jason Wilborn  :  "I can tell you that a lot of the former MLO's here that got transferred to mods will be leaving in relative short order to get back into mortgage"
Bernie  :  "lenders/banks are continuing to recruit producers.........aggressively"
Adam Quinones  :  "just non-producers. lenders mostly trying to attract producing originators right now. "
Jeff Anderson  :  "We just got word a very good LO has taken a job outside the industry. Anyone else seeing a lot of layoffs or an exodus out of the industry from LO's with April 1st looming."
Adam Quinones  :  "no official guidance offered yet."
Adam Quinones  :  "NO CLUE GOOD QUESTION"
Bob V-G  :  "so how on earth will the new regs be enforced? "
Terry Colabrese  :  "You know as well as I do: it will come down to the interpretation of each investor as to whether this works, or not?"
Adam Quinones  :  "so many cross currents and different interpretations...you must cover your tail."
Chip Harris  :  "Yes, it makes sense to me, but alot of this makes no sense at all so I wanted to be sure."
Terry Colabrese  :  "Chip, that only makes sense, doesn't it? As long as they aren't affiliated."
Jason York  :  "well that is good to see"
Chip Harris  :  "Yes, we’ve heard if it’s that clear that a third party is being paid at closing, then it can be allowed as a third party closing cost. It’s been suggested by speakers I’ve heard, that brokers make sure it’s not an affiliated company, owned by you"
Adam Quinones  :  "JW it sounds like you're attacking the fractional lending system in general. "
Adam Quinones  :  "he consistently trumps politicians. it amazes me they are unable to corner him"
Adam Quinones  :  "you're only as good as your next trade"
Gus Floropoulos  :  "i locked everything closing in the next 20 days yesterday...roughly 3.5m in the early afternoon and an additional 1.3 by the end of the day. Comparitively speeking I would have lost 12k in gross in price change from yesterday to taday, but realistically made 34k more by floating to the point that I did...thanks guys!"
Jason Sheaffer  :  "i locked 2 floaters last night based on info from MND. Helped me make an extra $949 over what I would be making today!"
Adam Quinones  :  "..purely as a directional indicator"
Adam Quinones  :  "i wouldve done the same thing...in unison with profit taking in 10s at 3.42%"
Adam Quinones  :  "good strategy for short term floats."