Reprices Reported as Volatility Returns to Bond Market. Rates Fighting for Foothold

By: Matthew Graham

The "Live MBS Updates" Section of our new MBSonMND Dashboard has been a great indicator of that volatility today. It is updated as market conditions warrant, or at 30-40 minute intervals if not much is happening so that at least subscribers don't have to wonder if anything is or is not happening! 

The frequency of updates so far today clearly tells the story of the market's frantic pace. 

Here's a look at that story as told by 10yr notes. Note the highly technical behavior around the two levels noted.  They had been holding up very well this morning, but upon breaking, shot higher fairly quickly, as is the tendency immediately following the break of a support or resistance level that had been holding.  The challenge now would be for yields to break BACK THROUGH that red line, which so far, they seem unwilling to do

All this has translated to losses in MBS which are significant.  Reprices for the worse have been reported.