(Correction) - National Association of Realtors Fighting Fires on Several Fronts

By: Jann Swanson
(Correction) - National Association of Realtors Fighting Fires on Several Fronts
An article titled "National Association of Realtors Fighting Fires on Several Fronts" published earlier this week contained the following statement:

Persons speaking out in defense of the VOW policy such as Peter Miller and Blanche Evans, both regular contributors to NAR publications, claim that DOJ is confusing MLS listings with advertising and does not understand the cooperative aspect of MLS memberships and the proprietary nature of shared listings.

In fact both Mr. Miller and Ms. Evans are regular columnists for Realty Times which has no connection with the National Association of Realtors. Mr. Miller also states that "my concern with VOWs involves the ability of consumers to get a fair deal. I do not believe that online listing and buyer brokerage agreements can be universally completed with informed consent given their length, complexity and need to negotiate terms."

Online listing and brokerage agreements were not an aspect of the VOWs that we addressed in our original article.

We do apologize for any errors or misrepresentations.