MBS AFTERNOON: Range Moderates Market After Auction


After a little post auction chopatility, the FN 4.5 MBS coupon has recovered and is trading back in the green. This morning I asked readers to share personal forecasts of today's closing marks (going out marks). I got a pretty good mix of answers. Since we know youve been waiting allll day to find out our intraday strategy here it is...

YOU GUESSED IT...100-19. Surprised?

Check out the two day graph....100-19NERTIA BANG BANG BANG! (PS...anyone notice wheeere the FN 4.5 bounced? Above 100-13!!!)

In related markets action..the S&P tested 1,036 today...and FAILED. Here is the intraday range...looks wide right? Choppy even?

Eh.Not when you zoom out it doesnt! Seeeeeeeee....more BANG BANG BANG range bound action.

Still betting on 100-19...come oooon 100-19!